Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in the Lean Gainz Equation: The Foundation of Your Bodybuilding Metabolism

Muscular man doing a deadlift


Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a critical component of the Lean Gainz Equation, serving as the foundation of your metabolism. The Lean Gainz Equation is designed to help you optimize muscle gain while controlling fat, and it looks like this:

Lean Gainz Equation:

Energy Balance = CI – [BMR + AL + TEF] – [SI + PRA + MMF + PIF + EMF]

Abbreviation Key:

  • Energy Pillars
    • CI: Caloric Intake
    • BMR: Basal Metabolic Rate
    • AL: Activity Level
    • TEF: Thermic Effect of Food
  • Modifying Factors
    • SI: Satiety Index
    • PRA: Psychological and Routine Adherence
    • MMF: Muscle Maintenance Factor
    • PIF: Pharmacological Influence Factor
    • EMF: Evolutionary Mismatch Factor

Important Note:

BMR, AL, and TEF are known as the Energy Pillars, which directly contribute to the calculation of your energy balance.

The other factors (SI, PRA, MMF, PIF, and EMF) are Modifying Factors. While they do not directly contribute to the energy balance calculation, they can influence the variables within the Energy Pillars, helping you better manage and optimize your fitness and nutritional strategies.

Throughout this series, we’ll systematically break down each variable in the equation to help you understand how they influence your energy balance. Today, we’re focusing on BMR, the energy your body requires to maintain basic physiological functions at rest, which is foundational for any serious bodybuilding effort.

The Common Misconception About BMR and Dieting

There’s a widespread belief that dieting drastically slows down your metabolism due to survival mechanisms kicking in. While there may be some truth to this, the main reason weight loss becomes more challenging during a diet is the natural decrease in BMR as you lose weight. When there’s less of you, your body requires less energy to sustain itself, which means your caloric needs decrease. This, combined with a reduction in Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), which is part of your Activity Level (AL), can make it harder to maintain the same caloric deficit. We’ll cover NEAT and AL in more detail in a future article.

Personal Experience: Building Muscle and Boosting BMR

When I began focusing on building muscle, I noticed a significant impact on my BMR. The more muscle mass I gained, the more calories I could consume while getting leaner. Muscle tissue burns far more calories at rest than fat tissue, so by increasing my muscle mass, I was able to maintain a higher metabolic rate even when I wasn’t working out. This is why strength training is so crucial—not just for aesthetics, but for long-term weight management, especially in bodybuilding.

While I found a powerlifting/bodybuilding hybrid approach particularly effective for my goals, the key takeaway is that building muscle is essential for boosting BMR, regardless of the specific training style you choose.

The Science Behind BMR: What’s Really Driving Your Metabolism?

A picture of a plate of healthy food with another picture of an athletic man lifting weights.
Diet and Exercise are both important parts of staying lean.

BMR is influenced by various factors, including the composition of your body tissues. Here’s a breakdown of how different tissues and organs contribute to your BMR:

  • Muscle Tissue: Burns approximately 6-10 calories per pound per day.
  • Fat Tissue: Burns around 2 calories per pound per day.
  • Brain: Although it only accounts for about 2% of body weight, the brain uses 20% of the body’s energy, consuming about 240 calories per day on average.
  • Liver: Burns about 200-300 calories per day, playing a vital role in metabolism.
  • Heart: Uses around 400-500 calories per day, maintaining blood circulation.
  • Kidneys: Consume about 150-200 calories per day, filtering waste and balancing bodily fluids.

This breakdown shows that muscle is one of the most metabolically active tissues in the body, which is why increasing muscle mass has such a profound effect on BMR.

Wang, Z., Ying, Z., Bosy-Westphal, A., Zhang, J., Schautz, B., Later, W., Heymsfield, S. B., & Müller, M. J. (2010). Specific metabolic rates of major organs and tissues across adulthood: Evaluation by mechanistic model of resting energy expenditure. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92(6), 1369–1377. Read

Relating BMR to the Average Gym Goer

Muscular man standing next to a man of about the same size but fat contrasting their physiques
Gaining muscle can allow you to eat more and look better!

To put this into perspective, let’s consider an average gym goer weighing 170 pounds with 20% body fat. This person would have approximately 34 pounds of fat and 136 pounds of lean body mass, which includes muscle, organs, and bone.

Now, imagine this person adds 15 pounds of muscle while staying at the same weight. Their lean mass would increase from 136 pounds to 151 pounds. Since their overall weight remains at 170 pounds, their fat mass would decrease from 34 pounds to 19 pounds. This change would result in a reduction in body fat percentage from 20% to approximately 11.2%.

However, to accurately assess the change in energy needs, we must consider both the increase in lean mass and the decrease in fat mass:

  • Before: 136 pounds of lean mass at 6-10 calories per pound = 816-1,360 calories
  • After: 151 pounds of lean mass at 6-10 calories per pound = 906-1,510 calories

This represents an increase in caloric expenditure of approximately 90-150 calories per day due to the added muscle mass.

However, with the reduction in fat mass:

  • Before: 34 pounds of fat at approximately 2 calories per pound = 68 calories
  • After: 19 pounds of fat at approximately 2 calories per pound = 38 calories

This decrease represents a reduction in caloric expenditure of about 30 calories per day due to the decreased body fat.

Net Effect: The individual could consume an additional 60-120 calories per day without gaining weight, accounting for both the increase in muscle mass and the decrease in fat mass. More impressively, their body fat percentage would drop by nearly 9%, leading to a significantly more defined and muscular appearance.

This transformation highlights just how powerful building muscle can be—not only does it allow you to eat more, but it also helps you lose a significant amount of fat and get absolutely ripped! The person would look far more athletic, with a chiseled physique that reflects the hard work they’ve put into their training.

Environmental Factors and BMR

Hot and Cold Environments: Environmental factors can significantly influence your BMR. In cold environments, your body works harder to stay warm, which increases your BMR. Conversely, in hot environments, BMR can also rise as your body expends energy to cool down. While these changes might not be massive, they’re worth considering, especially for athletes who train in extreme conditions.

Training in Hot Suits and Environmental Factors: A Personal Perspective

Picture showing a man in a boiler suit standing still and sweating profusely next to a man comfortably running in a cool environment.
Don’t be silly. Doing the work is far healthier than looking for shortcuts.

Bikram Hot Yoga and BMR: I once tried Bikram Hot Yoga, and let me tell you—it was an experience I never want to repeat. Sure, I probably burned a few extra calories and raised my BMR during that session, but the discomfort was overwhelming. Honestly, I believe I could have achieved similar, if not better, results by exercising more vigorously in a cooler environment. Not only would I have avoided the excessive sweating and potential dehydration, but I also suspect that my cardiovascular and muscle benefits would have been greater in a more comfortable setting.

Why the Shift Away from Sauna Suits/Hot Suits? Back in the 90s and early 2000s, it wasn’t uncommon to see people training in full-length sauna suits, all in an effort to crank up their BMR and burn more calories. But these days, you don’t see that nearly as much. I think people have realized that while training in hot clothes might help you burn more calories with lower-intensity cardio, it’s not necessarily the most efficient or effective way to train.

The Benefits of Cooler Training Environments: When you train in a cooler environment, your body doesn’t have to work as hard to regulate its temperature, which means you can push yourself harder and longer without hitting a wall of fatigue. This allows you to engage in higher intensity workouts, which not only burn more calories overall but also offer better cardiovascular and muscle-building benefits.

Is the Sauna Suit Worth It? In the end, I’d argue that the benefits of wearing a sauna suit or hot suit for lower-intensity cardio don’t outweigh the gains you can make by simply training more vigorously in a cool environment. While raising your BMR with heat can be a strategy, it’s one that comes with risks—like dehydration, fatigue, and reduced workout effectiveness. Personally, I’m all for optimizing my environment to get the most out of my training, and that means keeping cool so I can push myself to the max.

Interference Effect of Intense Cardio

Interference Effect: It’s important to consider the interference effect when planning your cardio sessions. Intense cardio, especially when done in high volumes, can interfere with muscle gains by competing with your body’s recovery processes. However, moderate cardio or light activity generally doesn’t have a significant negative impact and can even aid in recovery. The key is to manage cardio within the context of your overall training program to ensure it supports rather than detracts from your muscle-building goals.

Practical Tips for Managing BMR and Related Factors in the Lean Gainz Equation

  1. Build and Maintain Muscle: Incorporate resistance training into your routine to build muscle mass, which will help keep your BMR high. Focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups, like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. This directly influences your BMR, the foundation of the Lean Gainz Equation.
  2. Monitor Your NEAT: While NEAT does not directly affect BMR, it is a key part of your Activity Level (AL) in the Lean Gainz Equation. Use tools like a step tracker to ensure your activity levels remain consistent, even when you’re dieting. This can help maintain your overall caloric expenditure and prevent plateaus during your bodybuilding journey. (We’ll explore NEAT and Activity Level in a future article—placeholder for link).
  3. Adjust Your Caloric Intake: As you lose weight and your BMR naturally decreases, it’s important to reassess your caloric needs regularly. This adjustment ensures you maintain the right energy balance as part of the Lean Gainz Equation. By understanding your BMR, you can better tailor your diet to continue making progress.
  4. Focus on Protein: While protein intake doesn’t directly impact BMR, it plays a crucial role in the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) and Muscle Maintenance Factor (MMF), both of which are part of the Lean Gainz Equation. A diet higher in protein not only helps with muscle maintenance but also increases the energy required for digestion, contributing to overall energy expenditure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building and maintaining muscle mass is crucial for keeping your BMR high, allowing you to eat more and get leaner.
  • Muscle tissue burns significantly more calories at rest compared to fat tissue, making it essential for optimizing your metabolism.
  • Environmental factors, such as temperature, can influence BMR, but training intensity and consistency in a suitable environment are key to maximizing gains.
  • The Lean Gainz Equation helps you balance caloric intake, BMR, and other factors to maximize muscle gain and fat loss.

Call to Action:

Smartphone with a calories and macros calculator

Use our macro and calorie calculator to estimate your BMR and set your fitness goals. While this tool provides a useful starting point, remember that building muscle and applying the principles of the Lean Gainz Equation are key to truly optimizing your metabolism.

About the Author:

Dr. David Crowther brings over 30 years of experience in bodybuilding and strength training, combined with a deep understanding of fitness and human physiology. While many fitness professionals come from exercise science backgrounds, Dr. Crowther chose a different path—dedicating himself to the extraordinarily competitive and mind-bogglingly rigorous field of dentistry, where only the sharpest minds dare to tread. After all, why settle for anything less than the Everest of academic challenges? This unparalleled background has equipped Dr. Crowther with a unique, scientifically-grounded approach to fitness, which he applies through the Lean Gainz Equation to help others optimize muscle growth and fat management.

Scientific References:

  1. Muscle Tissue Metabolic Rate: L. Gallagher et al., “Adipose tissue, muscle mass, muscle strength, and sarcopenia: A systematic review,” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2019. This review discusses the caloric expenditure of muscle tissue compared to fat and other tissues.
  2. BMR and Weight Loss: S.D. Piers et al., “Metabolic adaptations to weight loss,” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998. This study highlights the metabolic adaptations, including changes in BMR, that occur during weight loss.
  3. NEAT and Caloric Balance: J.A. Levine, “Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT): environment and biology,” American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2004. This article explains how NEAT impacts overall caloric expenditure and its role in weight management.

3 thoughts on “Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in the Lean Gainz Equation: The Foundation of Your Bodybuilding Metabolism”

  1. Hello, 

    This article provides a comprehensive and insightful look into Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and its crucial role in the Lean Gainz Equation. Dr. David Crowther’s explanation of how BMR functions as the foundation of metabolism for bodybuilding is both detailed and practical. I especially appreciated the breakdown of how muscle tissue vs. fat tissue affects calorie burn, which clearly demonstrates the importance of building and maintaining muscle mass.

    The personal anecdotes about the impact of muscle gain on BMR and the discussion on environmental factors and their influence on metabolism were very relatable and grounded. The practical tips for managing BMR, such as focusing on muscle maintenance and adjusting caloric intake, are incredibly useful for anyone serious about optimizing their fitness journey.

    Overall, this post is a great resource for anyone looking to better understand and apply BMR principles in their fitness regimen. Thank you for sharing with us.

  2. This article provides a great explanation of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and its role in bodybuilding and metabolism. It’s often easy to underestimate how vital it is to understand BMR when working towards lean muscle gains. Your breakdown of the balance between energy expenditure and muscle growth made everything much clearer. In your opinion, is consistently tracking BMR essential for someone serious about maximizing their fitness progress, or is it more of a flexible guideline that can be adjusted as they advance?

    • Hi Steve

      Thanks for the comment and for checking out the article! You’re right that understanding BMR is useful, but I didn’t specifically mention tracking it. The key thing to focus on is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). As your weight changes by more than a couple of pounds, I recommend using my calorie calculator to adjust your intake. It takes into account your age, height, weight, and sex to give you a more accurate idea of your calorie needs. That way, as you lose weight, you can adjust your calories accordingly to keep making progress.

      Hope that helps clear things up!


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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { document.getElementById('calculateBtn').addEventListener('click', calculate); function calculate() { // Get input values const weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('weight').value); const height = parseFloat(document.getElementById('height').value); const age = parseFloat(document.getElementById('age').value); const gender = document.getElementById('gender').value; const activity = parseFloat(document.getElementById('activity').value); const goal = document.getElementById('goal').value; console.log(`Inputs - Weight: ${weight}, Height: ${height}, Age: ${age}, Gender: ${gender}, Activity: ${activity}, Goal: ${goal}`); // Check for valid input if (isNaN(weight) || isNaN(height) || isNaN(age)) { alert("Please enter valid numbers for weight, height, and age."); return; } // Calculate BMR based on gender let bmr; if (gender === 'male') { bmr = 66 + (6.23 * weight) + (12.7 * height) - (6.8 * age); } else { bmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age); } // Calculate TDEE const tdee = bmr * activity; let calories, carbs, protein, fats; console.log(`BMR: ${bmr}, TDEE: ${tdee}`); // Determine caloric needs and macronutrients based on goal if (goal === 'bulk') { calories = tdee + 250; // Add surplus for bulking carbs = (calories * 0.4) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.3) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } else if (goal === 'cut') { calories = tdee - 500; // Subtract deficit for cutting carbs = (calories * 0.3) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.4) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } else { // Maintenance calories = tdee; carbs = (calories * 0.4) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.3) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } console.log(`Calories: ${calories}, Carbs: ${carbs}, Protein: ${protein}, Fats: ${fats}`); // Display results document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = ` BMR: ${bmr.toFixed(2)} calories/day
TDEE: ${tdee.toFixed(2)} calories/day
Goal: ${goal.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + goal.slice(1)}
Calories: ${calories.toFixed(2)} calories/day
Carbs: ${carbs.toFixed(1)}g
Protein: ${protein.toFixed(1)}g
Fats: ${fats.toFixed(1)}g `; } });