Mastering Satiety for Lean Gains: Understanding Satiety and the Satiety Index

A split-screen image: on the left, a satisfied woman finishes a healthy meal in a bright kitchen; on the right, a dissatisfied man eats junk food in a dim, cluttered room

By Dr. David Crowther, BDS, BPharm Introduction Welcome back to the Lean Gainz Equation series! If you’ve been following along, you know we’re breaking down the key components of optimizing muscle growth and fat management. Today, we’re diving into the Satiety Index (SI) part of the equation, which plays a crucial role in helping you … Read more

Maximizing Fat Loss and Muscle Gain: Harnessing Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) and Activity Level (AL) in the Lean Gainz Equation

Beautiful female bodybuilder struggling to drink her protein shake while running on the treadmill

Introduction In your pursuit of a leaner, stronger physique, understanding the details of your metabolism is crucial. The Lean Gainz Equation offers a comprehensive framework to manage your energy balance for optimal fat loss and muscle gain: Lean Gainz Equation: Energy Balance = CI – [BMR + AL + TEF] – [SI + PRA + … Read more

Understanding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in the Lean Gainz Equation: The Foundation of Your Bodybuilding Metabolism

Muscular man doing a deadlift

Introduction Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a critical component of the Lean Gainz Equation, serving as the foundation of your metabolism. The Lean Gainz Equation is designed to help you optimize muscle gain while controlling fat, and it looks like this: Lean Gainz Equation: Energy Balance = CI – [BMR + AL + TEF] – … Read more

Introducing the Lean Gainz Equation: Mastering Muscle Gain and Fat Control with Energy Pillars

An old school scale with a dumbell on one side and a healthy plate of food on the other

Introduction: Balancing muscle gain with fat reduction is one of the biggest challenges in fitness. With so much conflicting advice, it can feel overwhelming to figure out what really works. That’s where the Lean Gainz Equation comes in—a comprehensive framework designed to help you make informed decisions about your diet and training, ensuring that you … Read more

Calculate Your Macros and Calories for Maximum Gains

Screenshot of the calorie and macronutrient calculator on

Understanding Your Macronutrient and Calorie Needs Whether you’re looking to lose fat, gain muscle, or maintain your current physique, understanding your macronutrient and calorie needs is crucial. Our Macronutrient and Calorie Calculator is designed to help you determine exactly what your body needs to achieve your goals, but understanding why these numbers matter can make … Read more

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { document.getElementById('calculateBtn').addEventListener('click', calculate); function calculate() { // Get input values const weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById('weight').value); const height = parseFloat(document.getElementById('height').value); const age = parseFloat(document.getElementById('age').value); const gender = document.getElementById('gender').value; const activity = parseFloat(document.getElementById('activity').value); const goal = document.getElementById('goal').value; console.log(`Inputs - Weight: ${weight}, Height: ${height}, Age: ${age}, Gender: ${gender}, Activity: ${activity}, Goal: ${goal}`); // Check for valid input if (isNaN(weight) || isNaN(height) || isNaN(age)) { alert("Please enter valid numbers for weight, height, and age."); return; } // Calculate BMR based on gender let bmr; if (gender === 'male') { bmr = 66 + (6.23 * weight) + (12.7 * height) - (6.8 * age); } else { bmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age); } // Calculate TDEE const tdee = bmr * activity; let calories, carbs, protein, fats; console.log(`BMR: ${bmr}, TDEE: ${tdee}`); // Determine caloric needs and macronutrients based on goal if (goal === 'bulk') { calories = tdee + 250; // Add surplus for bulking carbs = (calories * 0.4) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.3) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } else if (goal === 'cut') { calories = tdee - 500; // Subtract deficit for cutting carbs = (calories * 0.3) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.4) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } else { // Maintenance calories = tdee; carbs = (calories * 0.4) / 4; protein = (calories * 0.3) / 4; fats = (calories * 0.3) / 9; } console.log(`Calories: ${calories}, Carbs: ${carbs}, Protein: ${protein}, Fats: ${fats}`); // Display results document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = ` BMR: ${bmr.toFixed(2)} calories/day
TDEE: ${tdee.toFixed(2)} calories/day
Goal: ${goal.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + goal.slice(1)}
Calories: ${calories.toFixed(2)} calories/day
Carbs: ${carbs.toFixed(1)}g
Protein: ${protein.toFixed(1)}g
Fats: ${fats.toFixed(1)}g `; } });